dmvA ARCHITECTEN, Mechelen
Tom Verschueren: Urban Layers
dmvA, ‘door middel van Architectuur’ (‘by means of Architecture’) is a Belgian architecture office, based in Mechelen founded by David Driesen and Tom Verschueren. Together they see dmvA as a noble goal to provide a critical answer using architecture to respond to social, economic, and collective matters. The creative process doesn’t follow a manifesto but is expressed through experimenting in architecture. While dmvA has built a diverse portfolio over the past 25 years from public buildings to large-scale residential projects to private projects & installations, Tom and David nurture a predilection for projects that focus on reusing and restoring existing structures within a dense urban fabric. Their approach reflects a deep understanding of the contextual and historical aspects of a site, while providing innovative and contemporary design solutions.
Architecture Summer Talks 2024: TRANSFORMER
Die Summer Talks 2024 beschäftigen sich mit der transformativen Kraft der Architektur, die in einer Welt, die von großen Krisen und Transformationsprozessen wie der Klimakrise und der Digitalisierung geprägt ist, mehr denn je benötigt wird. Wer sind die Transformer, die mit Hilfe von nachhaltigen, inklusiven, materialeffizienten, zirkulären und raumpolyvalenten Strategien daran mitwirken, eine sinnhafte und zukunftsfähige Architektur in Praxis, Forschung und Lehre zu schaffen?
This term’s Summer Talks will discuss architecture´s transformative power that is needed more than ever in a world characterized by major crises and transformation processes, such as the climate crisis and digitization. Who are the transformers that help to shape the discipline’s capacity to embrace sustainability, inclusivity, material efficiency, circularity and spatial polyvalence in order to establish a meaningful and future-proof architecture in practice, research and teaching?