M.Sc. Ahmed Bayoumi
M. Sc. Maschinenbau (Vertiefungsrichtung: Virtual Prototype Track)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der AG Mueller am Institut für Mechanik
ORCID: 0000-0001-5584-5834
Betreute Lehrveranstaltungen:
ITN GW4SHM: ESR 7 - Reliability Assessment for Guided Wave-based Structural Health Monitoring of Pipeline Systems
Reliability in NDT is demonstrated through the Probability of Detection (POD) metric, representing the smallest damage size that an NDT system can probably detect with a 95 % confident bound. This probability is computed by statistically analyzing a significant number of inspections. The demonstration of the performance of an SHM system is a critical aspect in the maturation of SHM and is currently one of the missing links toward standardization and certification. The concept of POD has not yet been extended to integrate all the specific constraints of SHM: the fixed installation of sensors, the large area under inspection, the aging of the sensor, and the inspection under varying environmental and operational conditions. All these SHM-specific constraints emphasize the need for a novel and dedicated framework to compute a metric demonstrating the performances and reliability of a GW-SHM system. This project aims to increase the usage of guided wave-based SHM systems by improving methods for assessing reliability and standardization. Therefore, quantification of location dependency for the reliability assessment of the GW-SHM system is necessary. Particular focus is on pipeline systems in the petrochemical industry, civil infrastructure, and oil and gas industry, considering technical hot spots for particular damage types. A combination of experimental and simulated-based data on damage types is necessary to enable adequate information output, like the well-known output of NDT procedures, POD, and the most recent Model-Assisted POD (MAPOD) approach. Moreover, different signal processing methods need to be investigated regarding the influence on reliability assessment.
Bayoumi, A.; Savli, E.; Mueller, I.; Tschöke, K.; Memmolo, V.; Moll, J. (2024). Reliability Assessment of Damage Localization Techniques for Guided Wave-based Structural Health Monitoring Systems in Composite Stiffened Structures. Prepublication: 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. https://www.ndt.net/?id=29762
Volovikova, A.; Freitag, S.; Schackmann, O.; Memmolo, V.; Bayoumi, A.; Mueller, I.; Moll, J. (2024). Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Damage Localization in Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring. Prepublication: 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. https://www.ndt.net/?id=29765
Bayoumi, A.; Lozano, D.; Bulling, J.; Mueller, I. and Prager, J. Comparative Study Between Simulation and Experimental Guided Ultrasonic Wave Propagation on a Plate Like Structure. In: Fortschritte der Akustik-DAGA 2023 (pp. 88-91).
Bayoumi, A.; Vogt, T.; and Mueller, I. New approach for reliability assessment of guided wave-based structure health monitoring system on a pipe application. Proc. SPIE 12491, 8th International Workshop on Reliability of NDT/NDE, 1249106 (25 April 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2661833
Memmolo, V.; Moll, J.; Schackmann, O.; Freitag, S.; Volovikova, A.; Tschöke, K.; Savli, E.; Lugovtsova, Y.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Bayoumi, A.; Mueller, I. Promoting novel strategies for the reliability assessment of guided wave based SHM systems. In: Proceedings of IWSHM2023
Bayoumi, A.; Minten, T. and Mueller, I.: Determination of Detection Probability and Localization Accuracy for a Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring System on a Composite Structure. In: Applied Mechanics, 2(4), pp. 996 - 1008
Bayoumi, A.; Mueller, I.; Vogt, T. and Kraemer, P.: Approaches Combining Multiple Paths to Establish the Probability of Detection of a Guided Wave-based Structural Health Monitoring System, In: 2nd European NDT & CM Days 2021, Prague
Bonaiti, L.; Bayoumi, A.B.M.; Concli, F.; Rosa, F. and Gorla, C.: Gear Root Bending Strength: A Comparison Between Single Tooth Bending Fatigue Tests and Meshing Gears. Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(10), p.103402
Externer Promotionsstudent
Ahmed Bayoumi, M.Sc.
Fachbereich Mechatronik und Maschinenbau
Institut für Mechanik