Viele Persönlichkeiten. Zwei Standorte. Eine BO.

Mathematical Methods in Engineering Practice

Abkürzung:      MMiEP
Dozent:           Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Zwiers
Teilnehmer:     5. Semester Bachelor MB+ME
Termin:           Wintersemester
Umfang:         4 SWS (V+Ü+P)

Contents of the course

  • methods of linearization, linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems
  • nonlinear systems of equations
  • methods for interpolation and approximation
  • initial and boundary value problems

Learning outcomes

  • getting to know basic methods of numerical analysis
  • recognizing cross-connections between different mathematical concepts
  • proficient handling of a numerical tool such as Matlab of Python
  • preparation for master's studies
Ulrich Zwiers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Zwiers, M.Sc.
Fachbereich Mechatronik und Maschinenbau
Technische Mechanik
Raum: C 2-31

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