Prof. Dr. Erik H. Saenger

Fachgebiet Reservoir Geophysics

Achtung! Aktuelles Büro ist hier: chip GmbH Cooperationsgesellschaft Hochschulen und Industrielle Praxis, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 18, 44799 Bochum, Ebene 05, Raum 05.01.09


Please find some informations about my research, my short CV and my publications here.


Naturwissenschaften 2 – Physik und Ökologie

Mehr Informationen zum Kurs gibt es im Modulhandbuch auf Seite 12 (Seite Nr. 26 der pdf-Datei). In Moodle findet man den Kurs hier.


Digital Rock Physics

Details of the lecture can be found in the "Modulhandbuch" on page 27 (page number 39 of the pdf-document). On Moodle you can find the course here.

Reservoir Engineering

Details of the lecture can be found in the "Modulhandbuch" on page 28 (page number 40 of the pdf-document). On Moodle you can find the course here.

Rock Physics

Details of the lecture can be found in the "Modulhandbuch" on page 29 (page number 41 of the pdf-document). On Moodle you can find the course here.

Applied Geophysics

Details of the lecture can be found in the "Modulhandbuch" on page 30 (page number 42 of the pdf-document). On Moodle you can find the course here.

Mathematics C – Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations

Details of the lecture can be found in the "Modulhandbuch" on page 4 (page number 16 of the pdf-document). On Moodle you can find the course here.


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Prof. Dr. Erik H. Saenger
Fachbereich Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen
Raum: G1 1-005