Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abdullah Alsahly
Digitales Planen und Bauen, BIM
- Mitglied des BIM-Instituts der Hochschule Bochum
- Member of ITA-AITES Working Group 22: Information Modelling in Tunnelling
- Member of Research Department: Subsurface Modeling & Engineering (RD SME) at RUB
- Building Information Modeling (BIM) im Bauwesen
- Numerische Simulation und Modellierung
- Computational Mechanics
- Sicherheitsbewertung unterirdischer Bauwerke
- Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion
- Bücher -
- G. Meschke: Numerische Simulation im Tunnelbau. In K. Bergmeister, F. Fingerloos, and J.-D. Wörner, editors, Beton-Kalender 2014: Unterirdisches Bauen, Grundbau, Eurocode 7, volume 1, chapter VII, pages 171--232. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2014 unter Mitarbeit von A. Alsahly, T.S. Dang, S. Freitag, V.E. Gall, J. Ninić, J. Stascheit und M. Zhou
- Digital Design in Mechanized Tunneling. Alsahly, A.; Bui, H.-G.; Heußner, L.; Jodehl, A.; William Moises, R.J.; Obel, M.; Stepien, M.; Vonthron, A.; Zendaki, Y.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Mahmoudi, E.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.; Thewes, M. In: Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling. Springer, Meschke, G., Breitenbücher, R., Freitag, S., König, M., Thewes, M. (eds)
- Zeitschriften -
- Y. Zendaki, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, and G. Meschke: A simulation-based software to support the real-time operational parameters selection of tunnel boring machines, UNDERGROUND SPACE, 2023 submitted
J. Ninic, A. Alsahly, A. Vonthron, H.G. Bui, C. Koch, M. König, and G. Meschke: From digital models to numerical analysis for mechanised tunnelling: a fully automated design-through-analysis workflow, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 107:103622, 2021
König, M., Thewes, M., Meschke, G., Mark, P., Alsahly, A., Obel, M., Bui, H. G., Jodehl, A., Vonthron, A., Salloum, Y., & Stepien, J. (2021). Prozessorientierte numerische Vortriebsmodellierung: Trassenplanung für den innerstädtischen Tunnelbau. Tunnel, 6, 48–52
A. Marwan, V.E. Gall, A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Structural forces in segmental linings: Process-oriented tunnel advance simulations vs. conventional structural analysis. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 111(103836), 2021
A. Alsahly, F. Hegemann, M. König, and G. Meschke: Integrated bim-to-fem approach in mechanised tunneling, Geomechanics and Tunneling, 13(2):212--220, 2020
M. Obel, A. Marwan, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, P. Mark, and G. Meschke: Schadensbewertungskonzepte für innerstädtische Bauwerke bei maschinellen Tunnelvortrieben, Bauingenieur, 93(12):482--491, 2018
A. Alsahly, C. Callari, and G. Meschke: An algorithm based on incompatible modes for the global tracking of strong discontinuities in shear localization analyses, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 330:33--63, 2017
A. Alsahly, J. Stascheit, and G. Meschke: Advanced finite element modeling of excavation and advancement processes in mechanized tunneling, Advances in Engineering Software, 100:198 -- 214, 2016
G. Meschke, S. Freitag, A. Alsahly, J. Ninić, S. Schindler, and C. Koch: Numerische Simulation maschineller Tunnelvortriebe in innerstädtischen Gebieten im Rahmen eines Tunnelinformationsmodells, Bauingenieur, 89(11):457--466, 2014
G. Meschke, J. Ninic, J. Stascheit, and A. Alsahly: Parallelized computational modeling of pile-soil interactions in mechanized tunneling, Engineering Structures, 47:35 -- 44, 2012, Invited paper for Special Issue Computational Mechanics
- Konferenzen -
Y. Zendaki, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, and G. Meschke: Tunaid - interactive simulation-based tunnel track design tool for mechanized tunneling in urban areas. In Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2023) (submitted), 2023
R. J. Williams M., A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Computational modelling of artificial ground freezing in mechanized tunnelling. In Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2023) (submitted), 2023
Y. Zendaki, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, and G. Meschke: Simulation-based surrogate models for real-time tunnel lining behavior predictions. In International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Bochum, Germany, June 2022
R. J. Williams M., A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling driven through frozen soil. In International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Bochum, 2022
H.G. Bui, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, and G. Meschke: Real-time simulation-based interactive design for tunnel alignments. In International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Bochum, 2022
G. E. Neu, A. Marwan, A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Beanspruchung segmentierter Tunnelschalen infolge maschineller Vortriebe entlang gekrümmter Trassen. In M. Bischoff, M. von Scheven, and B. Oesterle, editors, Baustatik-Baupraxis 14, pages 823--830. Universität Stuttgart, 2020
G. Meschke, S. Freitag, A. Alsahly, and B.T. Cao: Numerische Vortriebssimulation im maschinellen Tunnelbau. In 7. Münchener Tunnelbau Symposium. Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2020, submitted
G. Meschke, S. Freitag, A. Alsahly, and B.T. Cao: Computergestützte Simulationen im maschinellen Tunnelbau -- vom Design zur Vortriebssteuerung. In M. Bischoff, M. von Scheven, and B. Oesterle, editors, Baustatik-Baupraxis 14, pages 81--88. Universität Stuttgart, 2020
A. Alsahly, A. Marwan, M. Obel, P. Mark, and G. Meschke: Soil-building interaction and risk assessment of existing structures during mechanized tunneling. In M. BArla, editor, IACMAG 2020, 2020
A. Marwan, A. Alsahly, M. Obel, P. Mark, and G. Meschke: Soil-buiding interaction in mechanized tunneling: A comparison of modeling approaches. In D. Peila, G. Viggiani, and T. Celestino, editors, Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, pages 2653--2662. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2019
A. Alsahly, A. Marwan, and G. Meschke: Tbm drive along curved alignments: Model based prognosis of shield movement. In D. Peila, G. Viggiani, and T. Celestino, editors, Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, pages 1637--1646. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2019
A. Alsahly, C. Callari, and G. Meschke: Numerical assessment of face stability in mechanized tunneling: Application of eas formulation for the prediction of failure mechanism. In A. Abu Krisha and M. Zaki Abdelrehim, editors, ETS Tunneling and underground Construction Conference 2019, pages 170--179, 2019
G. Meschke, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, and S. Freitag: Real-time TBM steering assistance system using numerical simulation and monitoring data. In Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), pages 1--14, Dubai, 2018
A. Marwan, A. Alsahly, V. Gall, and G. Meschke: Computational modeling for joint rotations of segmental lining in mechanized tunneling. In Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2018), 2018
A. Alsahly, A. Marwan, V. Gall, M. Scheffer, M. König, and G. Meschke: Bim-to-fem: Incorporating numerical simulations into bim concepts with application to the wehrhahn-line metro in Düsseldorf. In Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2018), 2018
G. Meschke, A. Alsahly, V.E. Gall, G. Neu, and Y. Zhan: Numerische Mehrebenensimulation segmentierter Tunnelschalen aus Faserbeton. In G. Meschke, S. Freitag, C. Birk, J.M. Menkenhagen, and T. Ricken, editors, Baustatik-Baupraxis 13, pages 391--400. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017
A. Marwan, A. Alsahly, V. Gall, and G. Meschke: Computational modelling for segmental lining installation in mechanized tunneling. In G. Hofstetter, K. Bergmeister, J. Eberhardsteiner, G. Meschke, and H.F. Schweiger, editors, Computational Modeling in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO-TUN 2017), 2017
C. Callari, A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Assessment of stand-up time and advancement rate effects for tunnel faces below the water table. In G. Hofstetter, K. Bergmeister, J. Eberhardsteiner, G. Meschke, and H.F. Schweiger, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), pages 91--98. University Innsbruck, 2017
C. Callari, A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Predicting stand-up time of the tunnel face using 3d numerical simulations. In Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress, 2017
H. G. Bui, A. Alsahly, J. Ninić, and G. Meschke: Bim-based model generation and high-performance simulation of soil-structure interaction in mechanized tunnelling. In The Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (PARENG 2017), page Paper 44, 2017
A. Alsahly, V. E. Gall, A. Marwan, G. Meschke, M. Scheffer, and M. König: Bim-to-fem: Incorporating numerical simulations into bim concepts with application to real tunneling projects. In Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2017), 2017
A. Alsahly, C. Callari, and G. Meschke: Investigation of computational approaches for the assessment of tunnel face stability. In G. Hofstetter, K. Bergmeister, J. Eberhardsteiner, G. Meschke, and H.F. Schweiger, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), pages 99--106. University Innsbruck, 2017
S. Freitag, G. Meschke, B.T. Cao, and A. Alsahly: Numerical simulation of mechanised tunnelling processes with polymorphic uncertain data. In Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2016), page 1962, Seoul, 2016
S. Freitag, A. Alsahly, and G. Meschke: Numerical reliability analysis of tunnel face stability with interval and fuzzy soil parameters. In H. Huang, J. Li, J. Zhang, and J. Chen, editors, Proceedings of the 6th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications (APSSRA 2016), pages 280--285, Shanghai, 2016
A. Alsahly, V. E. Gall, A. Marwan, J. Ninić, G. Meschke, A. Vonthron, and M. König: From building information modeling to real time simulation in mechanized tunneling. In Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress, 2016
A. Alsahly, C. Callari, and G. Meschke: A new approach for the shear localization analysis of strong discontinuous fields based on incompatible modes in frictional materials. In EUROMECH Colloquium 572, Constitutive Modelling of Soil and Rock, Innsbruck, Austria, 2016
G. Meschke, J. Ninic, S. Freitag, B.T. Cao, A. Alsahly, and V. Gall: Predictions of soil-structure interaction in mechanized tunneling and TBM steering support. In M. Cvetkovska, editor, Proceedimngs of the 16th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE 2015), pages 183--193. Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2015
G. Meschke, A. Alsahly, S. Freitag, J. Ninić, V.E. Gall, and B.T. Cao: Simulation based real time prognosis for mechanized tunneling. In SEE Tunnel: Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region, Proceedings of the ITA World Tunnel Congress, Dubrovnik, 2015
A. Alsahly and G. Meschke: Error-controlled adaptive simulation and numerical assessment of face stability in mechanized tunneling. In Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (14IACMAG), Kyoto, Japan, September 2014
A. Alsahly, C. Callari, and G. Meschke: A discontinuity tracking algorithm based on assumed enhanced modes. In 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain, July 2014
M. Galli, A Alsahly, T Barciaga, F. Hegemann, C. Koch, K.H. Lehner, S. Schindler, and G. Meschke: Integrated data processing and simulation platform for mechanized tunneling - showcase application on the wehrhahn-lini project in Düsseldorf. In World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2014), 2014
A. Alsahly, J. Stascheit, and G. Meschke: Adaptive computational simulation of tbm-soil interactions during machine-driven tunnel construction in saturated soft soils. In Tunneling and Underground Construction, Geoshanghai 2014, pages 769--779. ASCE, 2014
A. Alsahly, J. Stascheit, and G. Meschke: Three-dimensional re-meshing for real time modeling of advancing process in mechanized tunneling. In J. P. Moitinho de Almeida, P. Díez, C. Tiago, and N. Pares, editors, Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS2013), pages 75--88, 2013
A. Alsahly, J. Stascheit, and G. Meschke: Computational framework for 3d adaptive simulation of excavation and advancement processes in mechanized tunneling. In G. Meschke, J. Eberhardsteiner, K. Soga, T. Schanz, and M. Thewes, editors, Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2013), pages 85--96, 2013
G. Meschke, A. Alsahly, J. Ninic, and J. Stascheit: Parallelized simulations of advancement processes and soil-structure interactions in mechanized tunneling. In Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2011
Beruflicher Werdegang:
- seit 09.2024: Professur für Digitales Planen und Bauen mit Schwerpunkt Baumechanik und Statik an der Hochschule Bochum
- seit 10.2018: Inhaber Ingenieurbüro „ALSAHLY Consulting & Engineering“, Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen FEM-Berechnung, digitale Lösungen und numerische Simulationen für unterirdische Bebauung
- 10.2017 - 12.2023: Gruppenleiter „Computational Modeling in Tunneling and Underground Structures“ am Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2011-2017: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 04.2009 - 10.2010: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2006 - 2008: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Baustatik, Universität Damaskus, Syrien
- 2002 - 2006: NOUR Communications Co., Riyad, Saudi-Arabien, Projekt Koordinator, Bauingenieur (Statiker)
Bildungsweg und -abschlüsse:
- 12.2017: Promotion im Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 837 „Interaktionsmodelle für den maschinellen Tunnelbau“, an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Akademischer Grad Doktor - Ingenieur „mit Auszeichnung" abgeschlossen.
- 10.2008 - 10.2010: M.Sc. Computational Engineering, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften. Bewertung mit Auszeichnung
- 10.1997 - 08.2002: Studium des Bauingenieurwesens an der Universität Damaskus, Syrien
B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen - fünfjähriges Studium, Fachrichtung: konstruktiver Ingenieurbau
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