Section 1: University Finances and Organization

Administration Section 1 focuses on the finances of the university and ensures the procedural workflows within the university organization. It adheres to legal frameworks and principles of sustainability.

The department consists of three divisions: Finance, Procurement, and Organization.

  • The Finance division encompasses responsibilities such as accounting, financial planning, and controlling.
  • Procurement handles all procurements – from office supplies to laboratory equipment and service contracts – for the entire university and is also responsible for customs matters.
  • The Organization division includes internal media services (IMS), the mailroom, and oversees internal services, space allocation, and university vehicles, among other responsibilities.

Contact persons by topic

Bilanzbuchhaltung, Jahresabschlüsse, Steuerangelegenheiten, Spendenbescheinigungen
Vanessa Bremen
Bilanzbuchhaltung, Jahresabschlüsse, Steuerangelegenheiten, Spendenbescheinigungen
Michael Krimmler
Bilanzbuchhaltung, Personalkostenbuchung, Meldeverordnung
Sarah Witowski
Eva-Maria Dreher
Room: F0-08 (Bereich "Buchhaltung"), F01-05 (Bereich "Einkauf")

FB W, HV, Citkomarket für die gesamte HS, Gleichstellung
Doris Heymann
Bettina Höfken
FB M, IGS, Azubis, SI, ISD
Marlene Loth
FB A, B, G und BIM
Chris Mengel
Abteilungsleitung, THALES, Werk- und Honorarverträge
Alexandra Sonnhalter
Kommunikation, Campus IT, MZ
Sarah Witowski

Finance and Controlling
Controller Finanzplanung, Kontrolle und Budgetverfolgung
Florian Beyer
Controllerin KLR und Berichtswesen
Lisa Katritzke

Dienstausweise / Kfz-Angelegenheiten
Melanie Hitz
Telefonangelegenheiten und Raumvergabe
Doris Heymann

Head of section
Elisabeth Alda