Smart City Sustainable Mobility I (SciSusMob I)

Smart City Sustainable Mobility I (SCiSuSMob I)

The transportation sector is faced with enormous transformational tasks because of decarbonisation. Digital mobility services such as e-scooter sharing promise—especially in urban areas—a higher energy and area efficiency as well as reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, in comparison with individual automobiles. However, the energy supply concepts for the vehicles and their short lifespans have a negative impact on their sustainability. At the same time, the sheer number of providers with different vehicle, battery, and energy supply systems, as well as business and operating models makes it difficult to achieve potential synergy and scaling-up effects.

Faced with these challenges, the project team SCiSusMob researches how urban mobility systems can be organised in a demonstrably more sustainable way, through the intelligent connection of various light electric vehicle (LEV) mobility and logistic systems and innovative energy supply concepts using renewable energy sources.

The research project focuses on a comprehensive approach to mobility and energy supply, taking into account a future-oriented digital infrastructure. Hence, the project seeks to create a standardised methodology to evaluate the effects of LEV sharing services on the whole urban mobility system, based on criteria such as user-friendliness, economic efficiency, effectiveness and ecological balance sheet. Another key area is the analysis of energy supply concepts using renewable energy sources for LEVs, especially with regard to interfaces and operating models. These analyses help to assess the potential of a system solution in form of a common platform for mobility and energy services.

ScCiSusMob takes up the results of the project “Battery-as-a-Service for Light Electric Vehicle Sharing” (BaaS für LEV-Sharing). This project explored the potential of energy supply concepts to decrease the environmental impact of transportation, as well as their social acceptance and the possibility to integrate renewable energy sources. Having identified the value network, it will be used in a living lab to apply the requirements of a sustainable energy supply for LEV sharing to various concepts and evaluate them using the gathered data. The considered concepts include battery swapping stations and battery swapping services using service vehicles.

Within the ruhrvalley network, this project is part of the smart city group project interim studies on “Smart City Living Labs – Ruhr” (SCiLivLabs) and “Smart City Ecosystem” (ScitE).


  • Developing a methodology to evaluate sustainability, using, for example, environmental accounting/LCA and innovation acceptance research
  • Interface analysis in workshops, surveys, and interviews with experts from industry and research.
  • Exploring energy supply concepts for LEV in interviews with experts in order to define requirements according to the user-centric design.
  • Analysis, description, and evaluation of business and operating models for mobility and energy supply concepts
  • Developing a decentralised digital platform for mobility and energy services
  • Testing the mobility and energy supply systems in a living lab


Publications from the project
  • Stinder, A., Schelte, N., Severengiz, S., "Application of Mixed Methods in Transdisciplinary Research Projects on Sustainable Mobility", Sustainability 2022, vol. 14, no. 11, June 2022. DOI:
  • Finke, S., Velenderic, M., Severengiz, S., Fortkort, M., Schelte, N., Pankov, O., “A Distributed Ledger Based Ecosystem as an Approach to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Shared Mobility by Incentivizing Users”, IEEE European Technology & Engineering Management Summit, Bilbao, 9-11 March 2022. DOI:
  • Schelte, N., Severengiz, S., Finke, S., Stommel, J., “Analysis on User Acceptance for Light Electric Vehicles and Novel Charging Infrastructure” 2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit, Bilbao, 9-11 March 2022. DOI:
  • Finke, S., Schelte, N., Severengiz, S., Fortkort, M., Kähler, F., “Can battery swapping stations make micromobility more environmentally sustainable?” Life Cycle Management Conference LCM, Stuttgart, 5-8 September 2021. DOI:

Presentations and workshops

Contact person

Semih Severengiz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Semih Severengiz

01.04.2021 to 30.04.2023


  • Sustainability assessment of mobility and energy supply systems with LEVs. 
  • Investigation of a smart and regenerative energy supply infrastructure for LEVs 
  • Development of a decentralized platform for linking mobility and energy supply systems 
  • Testing and data collection in the real world laboratory 

Funding program:
FH-Impuls: Forschung an Fachhochschulen

Funding provider:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) 

Project sponsor:

Project volume:
360.196 €

Funding reference: