Research Projects

The project "Green Hydrogen for Decentralised Energy Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa" explores self-sufficient and sustainable power supply at the pilot site Tema in Ghana.

SCiSusMob II
The focus of the second sub-project of SCiSusMob is the holistic consideration of mobility and energy supply from the perspective of sustainability science.

The international project Sustainable Energy Education (SEED) has set itself the goal of making Europe free of fossil fuels. This is to be achieved by training qualified specialists to answer future questions for a sustainable energy supply.

Transfer project 2 of the profile-forming THALES project at Bochum University of Applied Sciences transfers specific knowledge in order to design innovative e-micromobility and energy supply offers in a sustainable and demand-oriented manner.

The project researches, tests and evaluates resource efficiency measures along the value chain of LEVs through the implementation of a pilot factory.

The aim of the adjust project is to develop an application-oriented and adaptive tool (The tool "adjust") for participatory and multi-criteria planning of post-fossil and multi-sectoral energy and mobility in the neighbourhood.