Mechatronics (M.Sc.)
Master's Degree Programme in Mechatronics
Would you like to gain further qualifications after successfully completing your engineering degree?
Do you have your sights set on a career in research, in senior public service or generally in a management position?
Then the Master's programme in Mechatronics at Bochum University of Applied Sciences may be the right choice for you. Here you will be optimally prepared for your future career entry. A subsequent doctorate is also possible as a Master's graduate.
Depending on how many ECTS credits you have completed your engineering degree with, you can start the Master's programme straight away.
Advantages of our university
Bochum University of Applied Sciences was the first university in Germany to introduce an undergraduate degree programme in Mechatronics in 1993/94; numerous universities and universities of applied sciences have followed its example.
To this day, the curricula of these degree programmes, which are jointly offered in Bochum by the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, are adopted by universities all over the world.
Accordingly, the university is involved in a whole range of national and international networks and organisations that primarily promote education in this innovative engineering subject at the interface of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
*For documents such as exam regulations and module handbook, please visit the programme's german page.
Mechatronics - part of our everyday lives
Mechatronics is one of the latest technological innovations with considerable growth potential and TOP career opportunities.
We constantly come into contact with Mechatronics systems in our everyday lives. Examples include modern aids in cars such as ABS, ESP and ASR, industrial and service robots and commercial aircraft. These things make our everyday lives easier, safer and some things possible in the first place.
Mechatronics - a discipline with a future
In Mechatronics systems, data and signals are automatically recorded, analysed and converted into forces and movements. The required sequence is usually programmed flexibly. The increase in Mechatronics systems and the parallel trend towards microsystems technology mean that Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Information Technology are also gaining influence in Mechanical Engineering. Numerous technical problems can now only be solved using a systems engineering and interdisciplinary approach. Traditional boundaries in engineering have to be overcome, thinking outside the box and entering new areas. Mechatronics can do this easily: here, technical systems are viewed holistically and not from the perspective of individual disciplines.
This creates top career opportunities for highly trained mechatronics engineers!
With a Master's in Mechatronics...
... opens up opportunities in the following sectors, for example
- Automotive engineering
- automation technology
- robotics
- Flight systems technology
- medical technology
- Public service
- or in an engineering office
... you can take on leading tasks:
- Planning, development, design, optimisation of Mechatronics products
- Planning, development, organisation, control, optimisation of production processes
- Technical consulting / technical monitoring / technical management
- Management tasks
1. Smart Production (new!)
Graduates of the "Smart Production" specialisation should primarily qualify for the modern professional field of "Industry 4.0". The future will be characterised by a strong individualisation of products under the conditions of flexibilised production. For this, very good knowledge in the three areas of Mechanics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering is essential! Engineers are needed who are able to explore and use all the possibilities of digitalisation (compulsory modules: Cyber Physical Systems, Robotics. Optional modules e.g: Computer vision, CAE/FEM, power electronics, computer-aided data acquisition,...)
2. Electromobility (new!)
For more than a decade, Bochum University of Applied Sciences has been known for designing, constructing and building outstanding solar vehicles as part of a large, ongoing student project, bringing them to road approval and winning many international prizes and awards. Electric Mobility is considered the most important component of a climate-friendly transport system based on renewable energies. As part of the Electromobility specialisation, you will therefore be confronted in particular with questions of sustainability science. The three areas of Mechanics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (e.g. Autonomous Driving, Artificial Intelligence) are also a fundamental part of your training as a Mechatronics Engineer (Bachelor's and Master's degree programme) in this sub-area of Mechatronics. The compulsory modules here are called "Fundamentals of Electric Mobility" and "Electronic Systems in Vehicles", and you can also take a further five elective modules such as "Development of Solar-Powered Vehicles", "Driver Assistance Systems" or "Simulation Technology" and "Artificial Intelligence (Master's only)".
The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme in Mechatronics is a qualified degree (Bachelor's or Diplomingenieur degree) with an overall grade of 2.5 (up to 2.59) or better from a degree programme in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering (210 credit points) lasting at least 7 semesters or a comparable degree programme at a state or state-recognised university. The examination board determines the comparability of the subject.
Attention - International applicants:
- Please note the language skills required for this degree programme.
- On the anabin website you can categorise your Bachelor's degree yourself. The decision on equivalence is made by the university.
- If your Bachelor's degree programme in Germany is not recognised as an equivalent degree programme with 210 ECTS credits, you will have to complete the equivalence credits (see below, point "equivalence credits"). This is an additional 30 ECTS that you must complete. This can extend your degree programme.
- Applicants with a professional qualification obtained abroad can be admitted on application, provided that equivalence is proven.
If you have completed a degree with fewer than 210 ECTS credits, you will have to provide so-called learning agreements when you start the Master's programme.
The programme starts in the winter and summer semesters.
We offer a Master's degree programmes for engineers in three semesters. They are therefore aligned with our 7-semester Bachelor's degree programmes, which lead to a degree with 210 ECTS credits.
But even if you have a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS points, you can easily enrol on a Master's programme with us. You can achieve the missing 30 ECTS points by completing the so-called "alignment credits", which must be completed before the Master's programme!
Do I have to apply separately for the learning agreements?
No. You first apply as normal to the Master's degree programme of your choice. If you are accepted onto the Master's degree programme, the Examinations Office will inform you whether you need to complete the credits and which subjects you can choose from.

This degree programme is part of the Ruhr Master School (RMS). Choose from additional compulsory elective modules from the partner universities Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, which will be recognised for your studies at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Take advantage of the extended study options!
Degree: MSc | Stardard duration: 3 sem. | Start: summer and winter | No admission restrictions

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Support with application and enrolment, financing issues or recognition of examination results