Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)
Master's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
After successfully completing your engineering degree, would you like to gain further qualifications? Then the Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering may be just the thing for you! Here you will be perfectly prepared for current needs in industrial practice. The Master of Science programme also qualifies you for a doctorate, if that is your goal.
Depending on how many ECTS credits you have completed your engineering degree with, you can either start the Master's degree programme straight away or you can simply complete a so-called "alignment course" worth 30 ECTS credits.
With the Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering at Bochum University of Applied Sciences, you will be ideally qualified for the job market. In the modern, practice-orientated course at Bochum University of Applied Sciences, you will acquire concrete knowledge, acquire practical skills through numerous exercises and internships in the laboratories, learn to handle technology with care and experience creativity.
*For documents such as exam regulations and module hanbook, please visit the programme's german page.
Graduates are trained for employment in the following areas
- Research and development
- construction
- project management
- technical sales
- small and medium-sized companies
- large companies
- public administration
in which graduates are prepared for the following careers
- Specialist career
- Management career
- Higher service
The orientation of the degree programme and the educational objectives precisely meet the current needs of industrial practice, to which this degree programme is geared. These are successful companies that also work in the field of product development with the latest methods, processes, aids and tools in order to maintain the high standard of German products on the world market. Engineers with comprehensive knowledge and integrative skills are needed in this field. This is achieved very well by the orientation of the study programme, which also includes a large proportion of independent work and topics from the field of project management.
Prospects in the industry
The industry's great demand for well-trained graduates of the Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering is obvious. Many years of experience at Bochum University of Applied Sciences confirm this situation: for many companies, high-quality graduates from a Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering are absolutely essential.
Hier steht die digitale, virtuelle Produktentwicklung praktisch wie theoretisch im Vordergrund. Sie belegen Module im Bereich „CAx-Methoden“, „Mehrkörpersimulation“, „Optimierung mechanischer Strukturen“ oder „Qualitätssicherung in der additiven Fertigung (3D-Drucktechnik)“ usw.. Auch hier gibt es außerdem zahlreiche Wahlmodule, die Sie belegen können. Sie lernen die gesamte Prozesskette der Entwicklung kennen, die durch die im Fachbereich und der Hochschule vorhandene TeamCenter-Software (PDM und PLM) unterstützt wird. Zusammen mit dem Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik stellen wir uns den modernen Herausforderungen der Produktion (Stichwort Industrie 4.0) und entwickeln für den Masterbereich (Maschinenbau und Mechatronik) mit Unterstützung des Präsidiums eine eigene kleine Lernfabrik.
The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering is a qualified degree (Bachelor's or Diplomingenieur degree) with an overall grade of 2.5 (up to 2.59) or better from a degree programme in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or Electrical Engineering (210 credit points) lasting at least 7 semesters or a comparable degree programme at a state or state-recognised university. The examination board determines the comparability of the subject.
Applicants with qualifications acquired abroad may be admitted upon application, provided that equivalence is proven.
Applicants who have not acquired their admission requirements at a German-speaking institution must provide proof of the German language skills required for the degree programme at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
If you have completed a degree with fewer than 210 ECTS credits, you will have to provide so-called "Angleichleistungen" when you start the Master's programme.
The programme starts in the winter and summer semesters.
International prospective students
As an international applicant, please note the German language requirements for this degree programme.
Bochum University of Applied Sciences offers Master's degree programmes for engineers in three semesters. They are therefore aligned with our 7-semester Bachelor's degree programmes, which lead to a degree with 210 ECTS credits.
But even if you have a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS points, you can easily enrol on a Master's programme with us. You can achieve the missing 30 ECTS points by completing the so-called learning agreements, which must be completed before the Master's programme!
Students specialising in Mechanical Engineering can find further information on the website of the Examination Board for Mechanical Engineering.
Do I have to apply separately for the learning agreements?
No. You first apply as normal to the Master's degree programme of your choice. If you are accepted onto the Master's degree programme, the Examinations Office will inform you whether you need to take the alignment courses and which subjects you can choose from.

This degree programme is part of the Ruhr Master School (RMS). Choose from additional compulsory elective modules from the partner universities Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, which will be recognised for your studies at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Take advantage of the extended study options!
Mechanical Engineering
Degree: MSc | Standard duration: 3 sem. | Start: summer and winter | Language: german | No admission restrictions

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