International Business and Management
The bachelor’s programmes in “International Business and Management”, which offer different language specialisations, combine the teaching of scientific fundamentals in all subject areas relevant to economics with advanced language training and the acquisition of intercultural skills.
Practice-oriented instruction at UAS_BO, combined with a one-year stay abroad as an integral part of the syllabus, is ideal preparation for the international employment market. Your stay abroad at our partner universities gives you the opportunity to gather international experience and to hone your foreign language skills.
You can choose between the following programmes:
- International Business and Management (German-English) – Restricted admission
- International Business and Management (German-French) – Open admission
- International Business and Management (German-Spanish) – Open admission
- International Business and Management (German-Turkish) – Restricted admission
In all of this, anonymity is alien to us. At the start of your studies, trained mentors will make it easier for you to embark on this new phase in your life. During your studies, close personal contact to lecturers and other staff ensures that you bring your degree to a successful close within a manageable time frame.
The opportunities for graduates of our “International Business and Management” programmes to join international companies and organisations and rise up through the ranks are excellent. Your international experience increases your market value in your home country and is also an important stepping stone for successful entry into the employment market in the partner country.
The bachelor’s degree allows graduates to secure positions ranging from middle management to executive functions both in the commercial sector at home and abroad as well as in the civil service or in associations, for example in the following areas:
- Financial control
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Human resource management
- Accounting
- Sales & distribution
- Auditing
Higher education entrance qualification and language proficiency
Admission to the programme is conditional on a higher education entrance qualification. You require one of the following:
- Higher education entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
- General higher education entrance qualification: German Abitur
- An entrance qualification recognised as equivalent
In the case of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, a differentiation is often made between the academic part and the practical part. The academic part is completed at school. The practical part can be a completed training course (e.g. apprenticeship) or a 6 or 12-month guided work placement. As a rule, which type of work placement you require in order to be entitled to study is indicated on your certificate. If you are unsure, please contact your school.
If you have obtained your entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences in a federal state other than North Rhine-Westphalia, please check your certificate to see if it is also valid here.
Please do not confuse the practical part that you need in order to obtain the qualification indicated above with the subject-related work placement required for most degree programmes.
Language proficiency
Corresponding language proficiency to Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required for the respective chosen option. See also Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
If you are unable to produce proof of such language skills, the Department of Business and Management offers a corresponding language test. Please visit its website for further information.
Should you have any questions, please send an email to: bewerbung(at)
The first two years of the bachelor’s programmes in “International Business and Management” provide students with a broad foundation of function-oriented and method-based knowledge. Courses are taught in German.
In these first two years, you are given a thorough introduction to business administration, as well as learning the fundamentals of macroeconomics, business law and business mathematics/statistics along with the business language according to your chosen option. In addition, you acquire key skills related to scientific working and presentation techniques and in intercultural communication.
You can then choose whether you complete your year abroad in the third or fourth year of the programme. The purpose of the year abroad is to further advance your language skills and intercultural understanding. It can be completed either in the shape of a 1-year study visit at one of our partner universities abroad or alternatively you can combine a 1-semester study visit with an 18-week work placement abroad.
You have to find a host organisation for your work placement yourself. The Career Service for economics students can help you.
In your third or fourth year respectively at UAS_BO, you specialise in a specific area. Depending on your abilities and interests, you can choose, for example, international management and marketing, financial management and control, logistics and business information systems, human resource management and organisation, corporate taxation and auditing, in order to prepare yourself specifically for your intended profession.
The programme ends with your bachelor’s thesis, where you work on a business administration topic in a scientifically sound and independent manner within a tight time frame.
International Business and Management
Standard period of study: 8 sem., incl. semester abroad Programme start: Winter semester; Admission restrictions only for a few language options

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