Civil Engineering – Dual Study Programme (B.Sc.)
The specialist expertise of civil engineers is needed wherever constructional changes make an impact on human habitats. Increasingly complex tasks in the building sector are placing ever greater demands on the workforce. Combining “theory and practice” early on is the best starting point for meeting such growing expectations. In the framework of the BSc in Civil Engineering - Dual Study Programme, students acquire not only essential academic knowledge in their subject but also practical experience and skills through vocational training in industry.
This attractive programme is run in close cooperation between regional and supraregional companies in the construction sector, industrial training institutions and UAS_BO. It gives students professional training with two full qualifications.
The dual study programme leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science lasts 4.5 years (9 semesters, including industrial training), during which students take part in the regular syllabus of lectures, tutorials, lab classes and seminars at UAS_BO.
Advantages for students:
- Combination of vocational training and a university degree and a shortening of their education by one year
- Early contact to the construction sector and thus to potential employers
- An allowance during industrial training
- The opportunity to work as an engineer already during vocational training
Advantages for companies:
- In-house training of highly motivated young people as the next generation of high achievers
- Possibility to influence engineering studies as a partner of the university and to profit from its know-how
- Opportunity to get to know potential future employees more closely
- Training of staff with professional experience and corporate knowledge
For documents such as the module handbook, study plan and examination regulations, please visit the German page.
Graduates of the Civil Engineering programme are urgently needed in the construction industry. Thanks to their early contact to their training company, there is an excellent chance that – if suitable – they will be taken on permanently immediately after university.
However, many other job opportunities and career developmentoptions are open to qualified civil engineers at the end of the programme, for example in engineering offices, public administration, associations, corporate building departments, etc.
Applicants interested in a place on the BSc in Civil Engineering - Dual Study Programme must hold at least the higher education entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife). Please note: The school part alone is not sufficient! Work placements prior to starting the programme are not a compulsory requirement.
All applicants are additionally required to have a “Vocational Training Contract” including a “Supplementary Agreement to the Vocational Training Contract”. Applications for the BSc in Civil Engineering - Dual Study Programme are only possible via the website. Training begins on 1 June of the respective year.
[Very important!] Applications: At Bochum University of Applied Sciences you must additionally apply online (by 31 August of the respective year) and also submit your documents there!
Vocational training leads to the qualification of Skilled Construction Worker (gehobener Baufacharbeiter)in the following occupations:
- Bricklayer
- Concretor
- Carpenter
- Road builder
- Track layer
- Conduit builder
- Furnace and chimney builder
UAS_BO has accumulated excellent long-term experience with a number of construction companies which, among others, train students in the framework of the BSc in Civil Engineering - Dual Study Programme. A list can be found on the programme’s website (in German only).
The standard period of study is 4.5 academic years (9 semesters) including the bachelor’s thesis. Students who pass the examination are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc).
The programme is modularised. It comprises foundation modules in the first three years of the programme, followed by foundation and elective modules in the fourth year.
Core contents of the BSc in Civil Engineering - Dual Study Programme:
- Structural engineering
- Design and dimensioning
- Structural mechanics, construction methods and surveying
- Building materials and building physics
- Foundation engineering and environmental technology
- Construction and building law
Civil Engineering
Degree: BSc; Standard period of study: 7 sem. full-time studies; Programme start: Winter semester; part-time studies, special requirement:Training contract; Enrollment period: 03.06.-31.08.

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financing issues or
Recognition of examination results