About us

Do you have questions, an idea, an interest in founding a company or would you like to exchange ideas with us?
Send us an email:
Want to know more about us and our personalities?
Go to our team page
Our Mission
Our goal is to enable all people in the university community to become creative and to try things out away from familiar paths and structures. This can lead to start-up projects, new products and services, or a more precise idea of what one would like to do after graduation, for example. In any case, they gain experience about themselves, about working in projects and in a team.
The following values are important to us:

We handle your idea with confidence.

Value neutrality
We are unbiased towards your ideas

We give you honest feedback and our honest assessment

We respond to your needs and offer you solutions that are right for you

We communicate clearly and directly

We respect the diversity of opinions, backgrounds and cultures

We value the uniqueness of each individual person

We encourage and support you to realise your idea and find your way
Our Vision
We actively work towards making our university an innovative, start-up-friendly and creative place. We shape this place by opening up spaces that promote creativity, are inclusive and inspiring. As contact persons, we support people who want to try out new things, develop their skills or create something new.
We promote the start-up potential of Bochum University of Applied Sciences and the transfer of research and development results into entrepreneurial projects. In particular, we support social and sustainable innovations as well as technology-oriented and knowledge-intensive start-ups.
Our government-funded projects
Our figures

364 Consultations
Initial and follow-up consultationss

125 Events
Workshops & Networking events

1.391 Participants
(Aspiring) founders

23 Startups
University spin-offs

3 Kickstart-Teams