Nursing, Midwifery and Therapy Sciences

The close integration of theory and practice by lecturers with many years of practical and research experience enables the direct integration of current findings in nursing research, gerontology, medicine, midwifery and therapeutic sciences into the practical training.

Lecturers combine the content of the theoretical teaching in lectures and seminars with that of the practical training and work in care facilities (e.g. hospitals, care homes for the elderly, specialist clinics and social services, birth centres, therapy and rehabilitation centres, as well as non-clinical facilities and practices in midwifery, physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy) – partly through close networking between the university and its cooperation partners, and partly on the other hand through intensive work in the so-called 'skills labs'.

The ‘skills labs’ are simulated care areas where care situations can be practised using models and simulators.

For occupational therapy, a domestic apartment and a teaching kitchen are available, while in midwifery, a delivery room, a postnatal care room and ultrasound laboratories are used. For physiotherapy, there are rooms for strength and endurance diagnostics as well as a movement analysis laboratory. Speech therapy benefits from a sound analysis laboratory and specialised treatment rooms with one-way mirror glass for observing and analysing therapy situations.
Theoretical content from the teaching can be directly transferred to specific interactions with patients or clients here.

By combining the study programmes in nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy at one location, students learn to work together across professional boundaries from the very beginning. In joint seminars as well as in specific projects in the care facilities, students learn very early on to engage different professional groups in the planning of care and support processes.