Learning outcomes / competences

The students are able to create and understand a system concept for a robot system, as well as to create the motion programming and the handling of the process peripherals and other inputs/outputs by the programme. They are proficient in robot programming in the Fanuc TPE language. You will be familiar with important system characteristics of industrial robots that are required to plan an application. You will be familiar with the basic principles of path planning using planning algorithms.


Properties of industrial robots; system and programming planning; TPE programming; independent creation of a robot programme for a given application; path planning

Teaching methods

Lecture, seminar-style teaching, practical training on the robot, project work in groups

Prerequisites for participation


Forms of examination

Module examination in the form of a 90-minute written exam (oral exam possible), presentations, homework and project work during the semester

The lecture materials can be found in the institute's Moodle learning rooms.